Archive for Concentration

Joey L. Dowdy’s “HEAD FOCUSED!”

Posted in inspiration, motivation, Self fulfillment, Self Improvement with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 10, 2016 by JJgroove01

Emphasis! Concentration! Vision!

Groove On This: “Clear Direction Is Simply Fuel For The Mind!”

Know that where ever your head turns that’s where your focus will be, and so will your body take the lead. So that’s why in life no matter what trials and tribulations may come your way, it’s important you don’t lose your head. Instead keep your head focused; remember to keeping looking up. And as result you just might be surprised the direction your body will take you.”>Choreographer Instructor Fitness</a>


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 26, 2014 by JJgroove01

Five C’S For Success!

 A Motivation Movement Technique {Get Up & Groove!  Perform! Step Into Greatness!}

Here are five things you can do that’ll set a blazing trail of fire for any competitor coming your way. Plus, they’ll help you rise to your top level of performance. I call them “Planting C’S For Success.” They are Clarity, Courage, Concentration, Commitment; and Consistency. Check them out. Here’s what you do.

*Have CLARITY about what it is you want. Be clear, not fuzzy!

 *Have the COURAGE to believe in yourself, and your capabilities, even if it feels no one else does.

 *Focus in on the CONCENTRATION you’ll need to stay with what you’re doing, especially when the going gets tough. Don’t lose sight of your goal/s; keep the final result/s in mind.

*Stay with the COMMITMENT and plan you’ve created, don’t get frustrated, or side tracked by other things, or people, even if it feels like what you’re doing isn’t working exactly the way you’d hope for. It will eventually, so just keep going; don’t let your “fire of desire” burn out.

*Marry the word, CONSISTENCY, because this is your secret weapon and it will determine what will happen in the end. This is what I know for sure. You can beat anybody, at anything, if you remain consistent. Why? Most people can’t, so you will succeed if you press forward no matter what.

Now, enjoy your C’s for success; don’t forget to spread a little sunshine on them daily!

Groove On:

